Thursday, December 20, 2012

End of the World

Tomorrow is the 'End Of The World'(tm).

I find that the most amazing aspect of this (non) event is that when Saturday dawns and everything is basically the same, none of the true believers will alter their perspective. Just like when the world didn't end at the turn of the millennium (2001 not 2000 but that's a different rant), or any of the other innumerable 'last days', the bat-shit insane who truly follow this stuff will just seize on the next half-baked prediction and move on like nothing happened.

Seriously, the supposed Mayan doomsday prediction has been there for a thousand years but how many of us had even heard of it until the millennium end-times fizzled out?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Port Out!... Starbord Home?

The Medi-port that was implanted in my chest to administer my chemo treatments was removed on Friday.

It was an outpatient surgery and only took about an hour but, with blood tests and waiting, I was in the hospital from Eleven-thirty in the morning till nearly Four in the afternoon. Afterwards my Dad took me to a local place called 'Classic Diner' I had a Southwestern Philly sandwich. It was good.

This is the last medical procedure related to my cancer ordeal. I call it an ordeal but it wasn't that bad. Don't get me wrong, if you can; please avoid getting cancer. It's just that my experience was relatively tolerable. Lots of people got it worse than me.

But it's still really weird to think I could have died.

(yes, I really wanted to write this post just so I could use the POSH pun)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's all over but the... port removal.

Good news. On October the 2nd I had a second to last visit with my Doctor and I am now officially cleared of the big C!

As the title suggests I still have to go to the hospital to have the port they installed in my chest to administer the chemo removed. But that is an outpatient procedure and I don't anticipate any difficulties. Then there is one final follow up visit to see the oncologist and then I'm free!

Technically the cancer might return in the next year or two and that would be particularly bad but it's not incredibly likely. It's better than the small chance that the cancer could have caused organ failure before they could get things under control enough to actually attack it with the chemo in the first place. A fact that my Doctor didn't inform me of until our latest visit. (Under the theory that it would worry me unnecessarily. It would.)

Unfortunatly that's it for the good news part of this entry...

I'm still unemployed and it's hard finding someone who will hire a 46 year old with no real documented skills. Did you know that Avis car rental requires a fricking Bachelors degree to work their customer service desk?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Bad News

It's been a little rough over the last two weeks.

I'm still undergoing chemotherapy every three weeks for the cancer.

I learned that my position at work is being eliminated.

I was involved in a major road accident last Wednesday.

Now the silver lining. My treatments are going well and I expect them to be completed by early September. I am getting a small severance from work and will be eligible for unemployment while I search for a new job. I was not injured in the accident (a six car dust up on the highway - not my fault!) even though several people were taken away in ambulances.

My father is also taking this opportunity to get a new family car (primary user: me!) which is nice. He's getting a Ford Fusion. It's red but I still like it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Chemotherapy is loosing it's charm.

The first couple of times it was okay; the novelty of it all, the day off from work. But now I'm over that. I have to get up very early in the morning and sit in a chair all day hooked up to bags of poison. At least there is WiFi available, but the drugs knock me out for several hours anyway. I have to unhook from the power supply and drag the stand into the bathroom with me. And they pump enough liquid in through my chest that I have to go to the bathroom a lot!

And I simply dread the week after a treatment.

They give me all kinds of anti-nausea medications, but I still get these random waves of stomach upheaval. Thankfully I don't actually throw up, but sometimes I feel that It might be better if I did. Eating does nothing to calm my stomach, nor does not eating... The anti-nausea meds are to mitigate the side effects of the actual chemo, but then I have to take pain meds for the side effects of the anti-nausea drugs. And all of these drugs make me drowsy. (I love the one that warns: prolonged or excessive exposure to direct and/or artificial sunlight should be avoided while taking this medication.)

I can only imagine what it would be like without the drugs...

At least I'm likely to live through all this, today I met a woman named Evelyn who listed the extensive cancers she was being treated for, including breast cancer (double mastectomy), several organ cancers including a brain tumor, bone cancer, and a seizure that she woke up from four days later. She still has an amazingly positive attitude, at least to people she's just met.

I don't put much stock in the idea that a good attitude can actually affect the cancer, or any disease for that matter, but it can definitely help you achieve a better quality of life during whatever time you have left.

(but that's true for people without horrible diseases too.)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Too Bad About 'Prometheus'




Remember in 1979 when a movie called 'Alien' came out? Remember how it was good?

'Prometheus' should have done more of that.

Bad Science. Bad Scientists. Unnecessarily secret competing agendas. The thing is really just a mess.

It suffers from what I call the five minute problem. If the major characters could just wait five minutes before jumping in there would be a lot less trouble. But then there would be less "drama" too. (notice the quotes)

The characters don't have what you could call personalities so it's hard to care about them. When Sigourney Weaver was running around in her underwear fighting for her life it was compelling (even apart from the underwear). When Noomi Rapace is running around in her underwear it's not very compelling (even in spite of the underwear).

If these supposed professional scientists on a direct corporate funded mission had a plan they could have all come home just fine. If the corporate backers had told anyone what the actual goals of the mission were, the plan would have been obvious.

Instead everyone just goes farting around like they're in someones back yard instead of on an alien planet! Y'know, just because the atmosphere is breathable doesn't mean its safe, don't take off your helmet! And please, lets not go wandering around getting lost until our magic floating balls finish making us a map of the endless caverns! Oh, and if you find a completely new alien life-form, don't poke it.

And let's not let the robot go wandering off and infecting the humans with alien bio-weapons with no more plan than 'let's see what might happen'. And hey, maybe we shouldn't go insulting the super-robot-man when he says things like 'Wouldn't you be mad if your creator said that to you?' I think he might take your anti-robot racism personally...

Also, there are about half a dozen examples of 'Chekhov's gun' in this film. I can't help but notice that stuff nowadays.

But it's got a wonderful cast, and really good production values.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Captain America's headgear

It is really a minor point, and I know I should be able to get past it but...

Oh, hell! You guys know me better than that - I can't stand this stuff.

They had a perfectly good helmet in his own movie:

It looked cool and appeared to be functional.

Then, in the Avengers, they had to go and fuck with it!

Now his head looks like a mushroom.

By the way; if you haven't seen The Avengers yet go see it! There is no better movie this year.

(okay, I haven't seen the new Batman flick yet... but you get the idea)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

More Pictures

Someone said there should be more pictures from the recent trip...

Apollo - Soyuz linkup
Voyager and the Spirit of St Louis
A V-2 Rocket with Skylab in the background
A Statue - sometimes a sword is just a sword...
The Grand Army of the Republic
A Golden Naked Chick
The Navy Memorial - Decked out for Memorial Day
Lincoln in front of a Court House
Ford's Theater

The Department of Justice
The Capitol Building
Keith - We finally got him...

That's not every picture I took, but I think it's enough.

Friday, June 1, 2012

What? You expect me to update this thing?

Okay, a couple things have happened since the last time I wrote an entry in here...

My friend Keith and I returned to our nations capitol memorial day weekend (just Sunday). We spent most of the day in the Air and Space Museum. That is one fun place! I took some photos...
The Apollo Lander 'Eagle'

John Glenn

 Space Mural

Me, in front of the FBI building.

We also went to the Spy Museum, they don't allow photos. :(

And also, as an aside, I was diagnosed with Lymphoma at Easter time.