Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Chemotherapy is loosing it's charm.

The first couple of times it was okay; the novelty of it all, the day off from work. But now I'm over that. I have to get up very early in the morning and sit in a chair all day hooked up to bags of poison. At least there is WiFi available, but the drugs knock me out for several hours anyway. I have to unhook from the power supply and drag the stand into the bathroom with me. And they pump enough liquid in through my chest that I have to go to the bathroom a lot!

And I simply dread the week after a treatment.

They give me all kinds of anti-nausea medications, but I still get these random waves of stomach upheaval. Thankfully I don't actually throw up, but sometimes I feel that It might be better if I did. Eating does nothing to calm my stomach, nor does not eating... The anti-nausea meds are to mitigate the side effects of the actual chemo, but then I have to take pain meds for the side effects of the anti-nausea drugs. And all of these drugs make me drowsy. (I love the one that warns: prolonged or excessive exposure to direct and/or artificial sunlight should be avoided while taking this medication.)

I can only imagine what it would be like without the drugs...

At least I'm likely to live through all this, today I met a woman named Evelyn who listed the extensive cancers she was being treated for, including breast cancer (double mastectomy), several organ cancers including a brain tumor, bone cancer, and a seizure that she woke up from four days later. She still has an amazingly positive attitude, at least to people she's just met.

I don't put much stock in the idea that a good attitude can actually affect the cancer, or any disease for that matter, but it can definitely help you achieve a better quality of life during whatever time you have left.

(but that's true for people without horrible diseases too.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there brother

The one thing we can each control in life is what we bring to the happenings and events of our lives

No matter how stripped down a person becomes due to circumstance and external constraints

No matter how much injustice and hardship a person may face

Each person remains free to be who they chose to be within the constraints of being outside of their control

Your 'youness' belongs to you and being you is a good thing to be

The world is richer for having you in it.