Friday, June 8, 2012

Captain America's headgear

It is really a minor point, and I know I should be able to get past it but...

Oh, hell! You guys know me better than that - I can't stand this stuff.

They had a perfectly good helmet in his own movie:

It looked cool and appeared to be functional.

Then, in the Avengers, they had to go and fuck with it!

Now his head looks like a mushroom.

By the way; if you haven't seen The Avengers yet go see it! There is no better movie this year.

(okay, I haven't seen the new Batman flick yet... but you get the idea)


Anonymous said...

It was Paulson's doing - and he was very proud of the changes

Den, of Earth said...

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson claimed to have helped with the redesign. I choose to believe that his input led to the cool parts of the new outfit.

Johnny said...

Considering what it looked like in those two television movies from the 70's, it, clearly could have looked much... much... worse.

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you it was all Paulson's doing