Friday, July 27, 2012

Bad News

It's been a little rough over the last two weeks.

I'm still undergoing chemotherapy every three weeks for the cancer.

I learned that my position at work is being eliminated.

I was involved in a major road accident last Wednesday.

Now the silver lining. My treatments are going well and I expect them to be completed by early September. I am getting a small severance from work and will be eligible for unemployment while I search for a new job. I was not injured in the accident (a six car dust up on the highway - not my fault!) even though several people were taken away in ambulances.

My father is also taking this opportunity to get a new family car (primary user: me!) which is nice. He's getting a Ford Fusion. It's red but I still like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad the treatments are going well and that you will have a new car soon - sorry about your job and the accident.