Friday, April 15, 2011


Recently there has been some speculation on how I might spend my tax return money.

Well, unless I successfully get some or all of it back from my insurance provider, much of it will have gone toward a new pair of glasses!

And, for those of you who feel the need for more fodder with which to ridicule me, they have bi-focal lenses.

They are taking some getting used to.

Now playing: Devo - Planet Earth
via FoxyTunes


Johnny said...

As an artist who has horribly abused his eyes, over the years, with corrective lens, I know the value of good eyesight. It's not something to take lightly. I'm long over due for a visit to the eye doctor myself, & I wouldn't be surprised if, I, too, need bifocals, as well. At least you can still see, brother, & that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully your insurance will cover the glasses - that way you can use your refund money going to every restaurant in the area in search of the perfect onion ring