Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Source Code

Saw a movie last night.

It was called 'Source Code'.

It was okay.

Fine, I'll elaborate a little.


Scientists think they are projecting a mostly dead soldier into a quantum echo of a terrorist attack. They do this over and over again so that he can find the terrorist and prevent future attacks. He decides this is no way to live and convinces himself that he can save the victims. He succeeds because it turns out he's not being projected into an echo of the same event but into the same event in a series of alternate universes. Then he goes off to live his new life with a girl he met on the train.

Although I liked this film, there are two problems I find. How could a scientist who actually uses the words 'alternate reality' in the film not realize he is sending our hero to alternate realities? And how am I supposed to feel about our hero permanently erasing the guy he jumps into and living out his life?

Well, I did enjoy the film. Even though it turns out it's about emotional conection and freedom of choice and 'doing the right thing' instead of Action Man Fights Bad Guys! Why doesn't anybody make those kinds of films anymore?

Now playing: Dance of the Dream Man [Instrumental]
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

Arnold is coming back to make more movies for that very reason - Arnold good - everyone else bad - Arnold will stand for good and fight the bad - go Arnold.

Den, of Earth said...

I was told his first foray back into the entertainment industry was a lame attempt at a children's cartoon.

Not really the same thing.

Johnny said...

They do, you just don't go see them. Drive Angry featured Nicholas Cage as an escapee from Hell, who beats the tar out of a whole plethora of douchebags. This is, essentially, his way of relaxing, in between all of his murder sprees. Charlotte Ross, who played Connie McDowell on NYPD Blue, also had a lengthy nude sex scene that was, quite frankly, the single greatest moment of my entire life. Did I mention this film was in 3D? Totally justified, given the circumstances.
Then there was the movie, Faster, in which The Rock plays an ex con who, on the very day he's released from prison, immediately violates his parole by murdering a guy. This theme repeats many... many.. times throughout the running time of the film.
If you're really hungering for great "guy brutally beating guy to death" cinema, then you need to step outside of the art house, & sit back down with the great unwashed masses populating regular theaters.

Den, of Earth said...

And why, exactly, was I left out of seeing 'Drive Angry'? I was actually interested in that one.

And, anyway, those masses should wash once in a while.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention toy story 3 now that was a slam banger of an action film. Big Baby was brutal