Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I don't often remember my dreams. So it's particularly strange that I've remembered two over the last couple of nights.

1) I am at work trying to finish some very important task on our system, each time I try to log in to a position it locks up and reboots. For some reason I always move on to another position never checking back to see if any of the previous ones have finished their reboot. (in the dream this is normal) Meanwhile Leonard Nimoy is behind me talking to some of my co-workers and loudly impugning my ability to take out the trash. I proclaim that I take out the trash just fine.

Then it's time to wake up.

2) I am waiting in a gym with many other people, we are all military and are there to begin testing for some special forces type training. For some reason the first test is to run to the top of the bleachers without setting off a motion sensor hidden there. We never actually do this test. While we wait I amuse myself by sliding around on one foot without kicking off anything but by force of will. No one seems impressed. Then I step out of the room for a second and when I return everyone is eating. Then suddenly they are all outside running and I am left with the instructors. I privately talk to one of them and resign from the program as I'm getting out of the military in a few days...

Then it's time to wake up.

There is some pretty freaky stuff going on in my head. Anybody into dream interpretation?

Now playing: Trevor Jones - Dark City
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

Yes - I am know as the "dream whisperer" - your dreams indicate that you miss a childhood friend - one who has likely moved to a location east of your current location - probably Florida.

Johnny said...

As a licensed Dream Therapist, I can tell you that your first dream regards a great guilt that inhabits your life. This is a guilt that has stemmed from your abandonment of the many... many... game campaigns you so passionately initiated, only to curry favor with newer systems. Ones that seduced you with honeyed whispers of intriguing back stories & breast baring displays of saucy game mechanics. Ultimately, you have consigned all those characters, & the characters of others, to a timeless doom in which no resolution will ever be found. The only activity they'll know will be the rustling of their character sheets as you shuffle past in search of blank paper, in which to create yet another universe for you to abandon. Honestly, with that much bearing down on your soul, I don't know how you manage to ever sleep at night.
The second dream obviously belies a great desire to become intimately involved with a heaping plate of chili cheese fries. Seek help. Remember, the life you ruin may, in fact, be your own.

Anonymous said...

mmm - chilli cheese fries - now that is something worth dreaming about