Friday, April 8, 2011

Tax Season

Did you know it was tax season?

I finally did my taxes last week. This year, for the first time, I went to a storefront tax service. I usually do my taxes online. It turns out that I would probably be better off continuing that practice.

It cost me nearly one hundred and eighty dollars! Some of that was a processing fee for them to take all the other fees out of my refund. Most of it was because I had a single extra piece of paper other than my W-2 form. I understand that these are tax professionals and its a VERY seasonal business, but damn!

Next year I think I'll stick to e-file.

(I did get my refund today. I think I'll buy some more Girl Scout cookies.)

Now playing: The Beatles - Taxman
via FoxyTunes


Johnny said...

I believe girl scout season is over. Your money would be better spent on Legos... or action figures... or your old pal, Johnny.

$180.00? I hope you refund was substantial enough to cover your filing costs without leaving you feeling like you made no gain.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is Wabbit Season