Friday, April 22, 2011


I have terrible luck driving.

It has to be luck, because it couldn't be MY fault.

Over the past year or so I've gotten several speeding tickets, the gas pedal connection broke, and I've just had a flat tire from running into a curb. Looking at that list it seems the only one I couldn't have avoided was the gas pedal, that just failed because it was it's time to go.

But I swear it wasn't my fault. It's all just bad luck.

Now playing: Jonathan Coulton - I Crush Everything (Demo)
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If it wasn't for the bad luck, I'd have no luck at all ... I'll never get of this world alive"

"busted flat in Baton Rouge waiting for a train"

"I hear that train a commin' commin' round the bend - I ain't seen nothing since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsum prison I hang by head and cry"


"If it wasn't for the bad luck, I'd have no luck at all"