Sunday, August 7, 2011

Poor Widdle Me...

I had to work all day Sunday again! It really sucks, our 'short' hours are from 10:00am to 8:00pm. I have to work a ten and a half hour shift, while my friends get to go out to the movies. (They saw the 'Planet of the Apes' movie.)

A more reasonable Sunday hours would be from 11:00am to 6:00pm, or even noon to six! That gives everyone plenty of time to get their 'emergency' shopping done (usually just returning junk they know they shouldn't have bought in the first place, but that's another rant altogether.) and I get to go out while the sun is still shining, maybe I'll even have time to have a little social life... one can dream.

Now playing: Julie London - Blues in the Night
via FoxyTunes


Johnny said...

Well, if it makes you feel any better, you won't be left out again. I caved to Bill's pressure to see the movie with Thad, because it was the one movie Thad had been waiting to see all summer long. By conforming to Thad's schedule, you, Edwin, & Tim were left out in the cold. As was Craig, who I was actually supposed to have seen the film with, earlier that morning. The kicker is, Thad never showed. Bill texted.. called.. & texted again. No response. Later, Bill would find out that Thad was there... with his father-in-law(?)... but he arrived so late that he had to sit in the front row. Of course, by that time Bill & I'd stopped looking for him, because we were, you know, watching the damn movie. I'm done with Thad. If I learned anything at all from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn it's that "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one." You, Bill, Edwin, & I are all available for the late night movies. Those are the ones we'll be going to. Thad hasn't been a part of the group for almost two years now. I've grown accustomed to his absence. He's welcome to join us anytime he likes, but we're not going to be joining him. I'm the captain of this ship.

Den, of Earth said...

Wow, tell us how you really feel!

Sorry the day didn't work out the way you wanted.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is the one that can save the many - if the needs of that one had been ignored - the many would never have been saved - has Spock's father denied his need to be his own man and join Starfleet - beat him down and forced him to go to the Vulcan Science Academy - where would the many of the enterprise have been - you all saw what happened to subsequent Vulcans serving on Enterprise - one died in a transporter accident - a transporter accident - really? one betrayed the federation and buckled under mind rape thereby betraying the betrayers - and the third - punked out - quite Star Fleet for years and then after rejoining promptly got lost in the Delta Quadrant. So be careful "Johnny" before you dismiss the needs of the one - a true Captain knows that although everyone is expendable for the greater good - no one is really expendable because none of us knows what the future holds and how one life impacts others.