Sunday, July 24, 2011

Captain America!

This is more like it!

After suffering through the atrocity that was Transformers, I needed something to rekindle my faith in movie makers.

This movie was that and more.

The plot, the pacing, the characterization, the effects, the acting! Every touchstone of a great film was hit! Usually, even in a film I like there are some small quibbles I have. (I like to complain!) But not this film, I enjoyed everything they did with this property.

I usually don't like 'origin' stories in movies of well known characters. Either we already know the origin or it doesn't matter to the story at hand how the main character came to be. We never needed a new origin story for James Bond or The Doctor every time they changed actors! But this one, much like the first Iron Man movie, tells the origin in a strong compelling way that doesn't leave the audience groaning through it thinking 'get on with it'!

But Captain America doesn't stop there. A compelling villain that actually seems threatening and an exciting series of missions that lead to an fantastic climactic confrontation! This movie delivers it all.

Even though just about anyone interested in the lore of Cap knows many of the touch-points of this story, the fate of Dr Erskine, the tragedy of Bucky, Cap's last mission, it all seemed fresh and exciting as when it was truly new.

The core of the movie, as with all good movies I think, is the characters. The writing and actors conspire to make us feel that these are real people and that the things they are struggling through matter.

If you couldn't tell; I really liked this movie and highly recommend it. It's not just a good superhero film, it's a good film in it's own right.

Here is a bit of Cap nostalgia!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more - it is an absolutely excellent film. In particular the manner in which they thread the needle required to define The Captain as self minded defender of what is right with no grand delusions - some great lines - "What makes you so special?" -- "Nothing ... I'm just a guy from Brooklyn" ... but he knows - In reference to why he would stand up to bullies when he had no physical capacity to do so -- I realized that if I didn't stand up and fight - even if I know I will lose - I'll just be running forever -- they can't chase you if you don't run

Johnny said...

A couple of things I noticed, upon my second viewing. Natalie Dormer, Anne Boleyn from The Tudors, was the Army Private that corners Captain America & lays one one him, outside Stark's lab.

The rumors of Union Jack were true. Sort of. The British soldier, in Captain America's Howling Commandos, was James Montgomery Falsworth, the first Union Jack, who fought in World War I & II. His legs were crushed in combat with his vampire brother, Baron Blood.

While Captain America's Howling Commandos were a diverse bunch, other than Dugan & Jones, they were not the same Commandos that fought with Nick Fury , in the comics. That group was made up of every American stereotype available to use, in lieu of actual characterization. Missing from the movie were... Robert "Rebel" Ralston (Uneducated Southern Redneck), Dino Manelli (Streetwise Italian Tough Guy), Isadore "Izzy" Cohen (Jew), & Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton (Effete British Football Bat). There was also a Jonathan "Junior" Juniper (Fresh Faced College Boy) who died early on, & Eric Koenig , the Nazi defector, who joined up late in the series.

Dugan, Jones, & Koenig all became S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, the latter two being killed , quite recently, by Hydra. Pinkerton died of cancer. Cohen & Manelli served, very briefly, with S.H.I.E.L.D., when Fury needed them most. Both are pretty much retired now. Ralston was elected to the Senate, in Texas.

As far as I'm concerned, Captain America:The First Avenger is the best film I've seen all year. I've been trying to think if there was something I thought was on par, or better, but there just isn't. It, like the U.S.A. is number one.