Thursday, December 20, 2012

End of the World

Tomorrow is the 'End Of The World'(tm).

I find that the most amazing aspect of this (non) event is that when Saturday dawns and everything is basically the same, none of the true believers will alter their perspective. Just like when the world didn't end at the turn of the millennium (2001 not 2000 but that's a different rant), or any of the other innumerable 'last days', the bat-shit insane who truly follow this stuff will just seize on the next half-baked prediction and move on like nothing happened.

Seriously, the supposed Mayan doomsday prediction has been there for a thousand years but how many of us had even heard of it until the millennium end-times fizzled out?


Anonymous said...

I thought the world ended and rebooted when all of the major DC titles started over again at Issue 1.

Johnny said...

I felt like Randy Newman being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, as well as Iggy Pop performing a duet with Ke$ha, on her latest album, were sure signs of the coming apocalypse. Still do. Just not the Mayan one.

Anonymous said...

Randy Newman - A Few Words in Defence of Our Country
Randy Newman - Baltimore
Randy Newman - Birmingham
Randy Newman - Dixie Flyer
Randy Newman - Every Man A King
Randy Newman - Feels Like Home
Randy Newman - Great Nations Of Europe
Randy Newman - Harps and Angels
Randy Newman - I Love LA
Randy Newman - I Miss You
Randy Newman - I'm Dreaming
Randy Newman - In Germany Before The War
Randy Newman - It's A Jungle Out There
Randy Newman - It's Money That Matters
Randy Newman - Kingfish
Randy Newman - Laugh and Be Happy
Randy Newman - Lonely at the Top
Randy Newman - Louisiana 1927
Randy Newman - Naked Man
Randy Newman - Old Man
Randy Newman - Political Science
Randy Newman - Potholes
Randy Newman - Short People
Randy Newman - Simon Smith And His Amazing Dancing Bear
Randy Newman - We Belong Together
Randy Newman - You Can Leave Your Hat On

I don't know Johnny he looks like Rock and Roll Hall of Fame material to me

Johnny said...

Merely being prolific should not be a qualifier for induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. I've been dropping a fresh brown trout in the toilet for 44 years, doesn't mean I should be honored for producing that much crap. Neither should Newman.

Anonymous said...

Without Randy Newman there never would have been the Beatles, Elvis, The Rolling Stones, Guns & Roses, The Cure, Lady Gaga, David Bowie, nor Queen - quite simply - Randy Newman is Rock'N'Roll - there is no Hall of Fame without him