Wednesday, May 25, 2011

That was unexpected.

Yesterday a HUGE thunderstorm ripped through my area.

Trees were felled, power was out, there was talk of tornadoes.

The lights were out in my area for several hours, but there are still people without power now and they say it'll be late today before everything is back on.

Luckily my father got a home generator a couple of years ago after sitting in the dark for several days after a particularly nasty hurricane. So it was hardly even an inconvinience to us.

But my sympathies go out to all the people still waiting for their air-conditioning...

Now playing: Origa - Rise
via FoxyTunes


Johnny said...

True story. The house right next door to Thad's has been demolished. A truly colossal tree fell right through the center of it. There's been a work crew mulching the Hell out of it all day, today. The tree... not the house. Although, at this point, it wouldn't make much difference if it was the house. In very short order, Thad will have a beautiful view of a vacant plot outside his bedroom window.
As an earthbound storm God, I, of course, suffered no ill effects from the deluge. In fact, during the heart of the epic downpour, I wandered out into the center of my front lawn to accept the skies tribute to me. It was quite invigorating.

Anonymous said...

Johnny that wasn't tribute - Thor was pissing on you