Friday, May 20, 2011

It's been nice knowing you all.

Well it's the end of the world tomorrow, so I won't be seeing any of you again.

Actually it's just the rapture tomorrow, the end of the world (and universe) isn't until October 21st, so I guess I still have to go to work on Sunday.

Oh, well.

Now playing: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

It's The End of The World as We Know it -

We'll Never Be This Way Again -

Movin' Right Along -

Don't Worry ... Be Happy

Johnny said...

Wait.... what? Did something happen... or not happen... while I was tending to Keisha's beasts? I knew I was a bit isolated, hanging at her place, but I didn't realize I was completely cut off from world events... or non-events... while I was there. You might have mentioned something Sunday night. Why am I the one that always misses out on everything?

Anonymous said...

There are so many funny answers to that question Johnny - but I will go with: probably because of sporadic blindness and deafness induced by a life spent staring unblinkingly at cleavage so intently that the greater world around you disappears