Wednesday, May 25, 2011

That was unexpected.

Yesterday a HUGE thunderstorm ripped through my area.

Trees were felled, power was out, there was talk of tornadoes.

The lights were out in my area for several hours, but there are still people without power now and they say it'll be late today before everything is back on.

Luckily my father got a home generator a couple of years ago after sitting in the dark for several days after a particularly nasty hurricane. So it was hardly even an inconvinience to us.

But my sympathies go out to all the people still waiting for their air-conditioning...

Now playing: Origa - Rise
via FoxyTunes

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's been nice knowing you all.

Well it's the end of the world tomorrow, so I won't be seeing any of you again.

Actually it's just the rapture tomorrow, the end of the world (and universe) isn't until October 21st, so I guess I still have to go to work on Sunday.

Oh, well.

Now playing: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, May 7, 2011


We went and saw the latest superhero movie last night.

The general consensus is good, everyone seemed to enjoy nearly every aspect of the film.

Kenneth Branagh seems to have been able to shine directing a big action film and bring out the 'Shakesperian' drama of the characters.

To my thinking all the actors did an admirable job with their characters, everyone really seemed to live in their roles without too much mugging or self aware performances one fears in 'comic book' movies.

The story itself is quite good; bringing the main originating themes of the Thor title to life in the limited time allowed in a single feature. Fathers and sons! Sibling rivalry! Friendship and honor! Power paired with humility and responsibility! All vast themes well represented inside quite a good action story.

The production design and special effects are also worthy of mention. In a day when it is 'easy' to depict vast alien landscapes and larger than life action the vista of Asgard and combat with frost giants really come to life. There just isn't any part that you point to and think 'reality ends here' the CGI and practical effects meld very well with the live action parts.

Thumbs up all around.

Now playing: The Black Angels - Call To Arms
via FoxyTunes