Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Get the H*LL out of my way!

I have long thought that people on the highway drive in a selfish manner. I'm sure I do some things that aren't all that nice, and even stupid. But at least I don't block traffic!

The left hand lanes are for passing! If you are not passing move to the right hand lanes! If someone moves up behind you change lanes toward the right. I hate when people are passing me on the right because some d*ckhead is poking along in the left lane. And if someone is trying to change lanes (and I mean using their signal) let them! Everyone will be better off for it.

Well, people, now there is hope. This article reports that State Troopers in Seattle have the right idea. Hopefully this will become a national trend.

There is also a problem of people passing, then pulling in front of me and slowing down. If you want to go slower than I am already going DON'T GET IN FRONT OF ME!

But one thing at a time.

Now playing: Guns N' Roses - You're Crazy
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

written like a man who does not wear flipflops