Friday, February 1, 2008


I work at RadioShack, which you may say is bad enough... but wait! There's More!!

Beginning today blue is off the approved colors list. Previously employees of 'The Shack' could wear black, white, blue, or red shirts to work. Now for no reason whatsoever blue has been replaced on the list with (get this) the exciting and dynamic color: gray.

Why would anyone do this? Is gray a color that says; 'buy cellphones' did someone do a big marketing survey and find that blue was too threatening?

I just don't get it, I like blue, I have a lot of blue shirts. I have no gray shirts. (I bought some black shirts for this job) should I go and buy gray shirts? Or will they just change the rules on me again?

In 'protest' I wore only blue shirts for the past week and today I wore all black in mourning... just like Johnny Cash! I'm such a rebel.

I hate this job.

Now playing: Johnny Cash - Hurt
via FoxyTunes

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