Friday, February 29, 2008


There was an accident on Thursday night about 7:30pm or so...

No injuries, thank whoever, but there was some pretty serious damage to two of the four cars involved. And some less severe, but still somewhat serious damage to the third vehicle (mine). The fourth got away with a little dent and some paint exchange...

I was working at the time and the accident happened in the parking lot. The story, as it was related to me, was that a fifteen year old girl was trying to listen to the radio in a parked van and reaching to change the channel (or some such) inadvertently put the vehicle in gear and lurched forward in panic as she attempted to apply the brakes but instead hit the gas.

All I get out of it is that someone who should have known better was horsing around in a car and caused several thousand dollars worth of damage to three different cars.

The van ran into my co-worker Kevin's car and that car then slammed into mine, and mine was shoved into yet another. (see pics) The van and Kevin's vehicles were taken from the scene via wrecker. My car's wheel well was bent so that it scrapes the tire with only the slightest provocation, and the wheel itself is out of alignment. (I drove it home anyway, staying below 30mph and cringing every time I hit a dip in the road and heard the scraping of the car body against the tire.)

The girl responsible for the accident was an emotional wreck, Kevin was slightly less so (he has an excitable personality) I and the driver of the fourth car were basically calm throughout.

In the morning we speak to the insurance people!

Here are the pics(click for bigness):

Kevin's car will probably cost more to repair than replace.

You can see by the parking spaces how much the cars were moved around.

Doesn't look too bad until someone sits in the car and you get about a fingers width of clearance and realize the wheel wobbles now...

Now playing: Holly Golightly - Walk a Mile
via FoxyTunes

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