Saturday, June 17, 2006

It all finally shakes out

I forgot how much effort goes into living a real life.

During my six+ months of unemployment I got used to sitting on my duff all day (and all night) screwing around on the internet or watching TV. It is convenient to surf for job oportunities but reinforces a lazy attitude about scheduling...

Now that I am once again employed, I find myself with too few hours in the day. And this is only a part time job, imagine if I were trying to live around a real career!

The good news is that I am now beginning to get back into the swing of things, and manage my time better. No more pointless internet surfing (or at least not as much) ; )

Of course I am still supposedly looking for that 'career' job, but just now I feel there is enough on my plate. I never was one for thinking about the future.

Maybe I should think about that?

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