Thursday, June 22, 2006


From Wendy's

While I was a poor unemployed degenerate I was (obviously) forced to give up eating out.

I had forgotten the sublime chocolatey pleasure of the Wendy's Frosty desert drink. Now I get them a couple times a week.

I get one on my way into work (either by itself or with a Spicy Chicken Sandwich) the ride lets it melt a little, so by the time I am ready to partake it is partially liquified. The spoon is fine, and I do use it, but taking a long slooow drink of still chilled chocolate is mana from heaven. Espesially now that summer has officially begun, the cooling effect of the Frosty along with the perfection that is chocolate fills me with indescribable[sic] bliss...

You should try one.

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