Thursday, April 27, 2006


I was playing around on Google Earth the other day and began looking at some of the places I was stationed durring my Navy days. In the areas of highest resolution I can usually pick out the house I lived in as well as a variety of locations around the base and some in the town.

Then I looked at Naval Recruit Training Center, San Diego - My Boot Camp. There seemed to be a lot of construction going on. Then one of those little 'i' messages caught my attention. I was informed by this message that RTC San Diego had been closed.

For some reason this made me very sad.

I don't have very many good memories of the place (it was boot camp after all), but I do remember some of the sailors I trained with and the sense of comradrie we shared. It brought back memories of my whole time in the Navy some of them good, and some of them bad.

I guess everybody feels it from time to time. Something sets you to remembering and even the memories of times you didn't enjoy living through make you a little wistful. Thats what nostalgia is about I guess, looking back and convincing yourself everything was better then.

In the (never was) good ol' days...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Now I have a webpage motherf*cker, Ho Ho Ho

I have recently gotten one of those free webpages...
I am Den... of Earth!

There isn't much by way of content, but there is a little.

I don't know what else I may put up there, as a free webpage there aren't a lot of options. Well, so much for my little self-serving blog entry (hey, aren't they all?)

By the way the title comes from 'Die Hard'

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Proprietary Blogging?

A close friend of mine (Richard!) and I were having a conversation recently, and at the conclusion (or thereabouts) he called 'dibs' on it.

This act imparted two related concepts to me. Item number one: that it is possible to call 'dibs' on purely conceptual aspects of existence.

I have always thought of blogging as a fairly referential activity; that is, every blog is about something else. To my mind that 'something else' included other blogs. Everything was fair game and (with proper references) nobody could get too upset and go all 'territorial'.

That, obviously, is not the case.

Which brings us to item number two: I need to be more aggressive in claiming my blogging territory!

Therefore; from this day forward I place a claim on any and all aspects of my life, regardless of the presence or absence of other parties, which may be interpreted by those participating, observing, or learning of it by other means, as 'cool' 'keen', 'neat' or any reasonable derivitive thereof as the sole and continuing provenance of ME! Any violation of this claim, by any means whether intentional or otherwise shall be dealt with via bitch-slapping, legal action or both as deemed appropriate on a case by case basis.

Do you think that would stand up in 'Guy Court'?

(by the way, what's the expiration period on 'dibs'?)

Thursday, April 6, 2006