Thursday, April 29, 2010

Root Canal

I've had a problem with one of my molars for years now.

I recently got Dental Insurance and finally had a root canal done. I curently have a temporary crown on it and go back in a couple weeks for the permanent one.

It's nice to be able to chew on both sides of my mouth again...


Anonymous said...

so what happened? Surely you don't still have a temporary crown - if you do then I would be inclined to believe by now it should be promoted in in your mind and heart to the level of permanent.

Den, of Earth said...

At this point I've actually had all my teeth removed and replaced with parasitic aliens which allow me to chew through steel chains.

(Actually I've simply had the permanent crown installed...)

Anonymous said...

an evil permanent crown?

Johnny said...

Just because you wear a crown, that doesn't make you a king.

Den, of Earth said...

Yes, it does.

Johnny said...

King of fools.

Anonymous said...

no you could also be a queen

Den, of Earth said...

That's a life style choice, and you shouldn't judge.