Friday, September 11, 2009

Again with the NorVa

For my birthday Keith bought tickets to see the Reverend Horton Heat.

Pretty cool!

The show got off to a rocky start when we found out the opening act (Nashville Pussy) canceled. Don't know why. Anyway a local band took the stage for a little set, they were okay.

Then, after a short interval, The Reverend and his band came on. I was pretty unfamiliar with the songs as I don't own any of their albums (I do now, I got one at the show). But it was a pretty good show. A little thing at the beginning with the sound. I could barely hear that he was singing much less what the lyrics were. But by the third song I could hear fine and could even follow along with most of the words. Which is a pretty neat feat as I was hearing them for the first time.

They did a lot off their new album, which took a decidedly 'country' tack, but played a wide selection of older stuff, which was more the 'rockabilly' I expected. All of it was good.

They actually brought out one of the crew to do the singing on a cover of Motorhead's "Ace of Spades". Apparently a lot of appearances on this tour are with Motorhead... go figure.

A pleasant suprise for me was that after the show the band was available to sign stuff. I got all three signatures on my copy of the new album.


Now playing: Reverend Horton Heart - Ain't No Saguaro in Texas
via FoxyTunes