Saturday, July 25, 2009

Neko, Neko

For those of you keeping score; this is post #100 (a milestone)

Tonight Keith and I went back to the NorVa. This time we saw Neko Case.

I had never heard this artist before, although I had heard of her. I listened to some tracks acquired from the interwebs and decided that it was worth going. I was not disappointed. The genre is a little hard to pin down, I think of it as a sort of modern country/bluegrass type feel but many of the songs don't really fit that vague description either. oh, well. The style reminds me a little of Lucinda Williams or Holly Golightly, but she definitely does not have a voice similar to either of them.

The point of all this is that if you trust my taste in music you could do worse than giving one of Neko's albums a listen. I bought two of them at the venue.

On the down side, and I want to mention this for any budding sound engineers out there, I don't usually enjoy live music as much as studio tracks. This is because although I can hear that the singer is singing, the instruments seem to be unnecessarily loud and I can't understand the actual lyrics of the song. I can follow along to songs with which I am already familiar, but new stuff I just have to ride the flow and hope I can become acquainted with the words later.

Maybe I'm just old.


As a tangent if you ever are traveling with my friend Keith do not rely on him for navigational advice. In his defense there is a lot of new construction in downtown Norfolk. But when he continuously insists that the place you are looking for is on Granby and Monticello and has you driving up and down Granby street futilely looking for the NorVa only to find out that the two streets mentioned do not in fact intersect but are parallel and that you have, for some unfathomable reason, been looking for the back of the theater for nearly half an hour, then you will know frustration.

Sorry Keith but it's true, your navigation sucks.

Now playing: Neko Case - Don't Forget Me
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that Brother - Keith is best as co-pilot when the mission is to get lost and there is no schedule to keep. Damn good mover though - and knows that the journey is as important as the destination.