Friday, June 26, 2009

Already, there are jokes...

Farrah Fawcett is standing before Saint Peter.

"You have brought much enjoyment to the people, through your acting, that it has been decided that you should be granted a wish before we bring you into heaven. What is it that you wish?"

Farrah thought for a moment and replied "My only wish would be if you could do something to protect the children..."

"Done!" Saint Peter writes a little note in his book and slams it shut!


...and Michael Jackson is standing next to Farrah.

Now playing: Holly Golightly - Without You Here
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Traffic Driver

In a blatant attempt to drive traffic to my blog I hereby list the top search terms on Google today:

Today's Hot Trends (USA)
1. super mario galaxy 2
2. brooks perlin
3. weather graphics
4. team ninja
5. metroid other m
6. wow patch 3.1.3 download

7. sichuan tengzhong
8. bruno eminem stunt
9. anencephaly
10. kate gosselin bikini pics

How's that for meaningful content?

I'm glad to see that the things on this list aren't all stupid fluff items. (there's some video game items in there!) ;)

(no editorial context is implied nor should be inferred by the inclusion or exclusion of particular search terms on this list; I got it from Google...)

Now playing: Aphex twins - Ghost in the Shell
via FoxyTunes