Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Season

I finally did my taxes last week. I usually do them very early in the tax season, but this year a strong sense of ennui took hold and I procrastinated until (nearly) the last minute.

I e-filed again this year, even though it costs money. I did it through H&R Block's online tax program and they charged me $19.95 each for my federal and state forms. I think this is way too much, but I just can't give up the convenience. If I let them deduct the fee from my refund amount the cost to me is somehow doubled... I successfully resisted that little bit of gouging.

Next year I may just mail my returns in, it takes longer but the price of a couple of stamps sure beats a $40 dollar price tag. I think I can wait the extra time to spend my tax refund.

Now playing: The Beatles - Taxman
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

Isn't there a Disney Theme Park in Hong Kong now? that would mean you have been to nearly all of the world's Disney Theme Parks

Den, of Earth said...

Shhh, no ones supposed to realize that park is there...
I don't travel too much anymore.