Friday, March 21, 2008


Richard is a friend of mine.

I want that clearly understood right here up front.

But he recently sent me an e-mail of which the last line read
"Sent from my iPhone".

That's just terrible, he didn't even want an iPhone. I have no idea what possessed him to purchase one. But now he has one and I fear for our relationship. I've known he was something of a technophile for some time now. He has been going on about the Kindle for a while, but he bought an iPhone instead.

Don't get me wrong, the iPhone is pretty, and having the power of the internet in a mobile format is attractive. But damn, buddy! could you be more of a sell out?

An iPhone is so far out there I can't even bring myself to be properly jealous. I keep choking on the idea that you spent $400 on a phone... IT'S A FREAKING PHONE!!

You've already got a laptop, YouTube videos can wait for you to get out of the line at Walmart... You didn't need to go and get a f*cking iPhone.


Now playing: Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
via FoxyTunes

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