Monday, January 14, 2008

The Call...

...of Duty!

Ever been sucked into a video game?

It has happened to me, I have become obsessed with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I play it every chance I get, I have begun resenting any activities witch curtail my access to playing this game. I play it for several hours after work until I am forced to go to sleep, then I wake up and play for an hour or so before work... It has become ridiculous!

So I've consciously decided to take a break from it. This break has afforded me some time to play a Role Playing Game with a friend of mine and even to go to a concert (which I usually never do). I still enjoy the game and will probably still play it a great deal, but I am making room for other pursuits in my life. the internet (and blog entries).

Now playing: Joe Walsh - Take a Look Around
via FoxyTunes

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