Monday, January 14, 2008

Concert Series

Speaking of other pursuits...

I went with my friend Keith to a concert at the NORVA on Sunday night. The headliner band was "The Dresden Dolls" who put on a great show very powerful duo, the Dolls. The guy on the drums is a frenetic wizard and the girl does keyboards and vocals. She's got a really powerful voice and can really belt out a song! They are a band you really have to be in a mood for though, as all the songs they played (except the covers of other bands) were real downers... Not that thats bad, it's just something you have to be in the mood for.

The opening band was "Two Ton Boa", I liked this band a lot! The singer, Sherry Fraser, 'has some pipes', as Keith puts it, there are a couple of tracks where she gets up to some serious vocal acrobatics (notably 'Porcelain Throne'), and it's all good.
As a personal note to other bands out there; a good cover of 'White Rabbit' is a sure way to get on my good side... The bands bass player is extremely energetic and puts on something of a show all on his own. A really fine performance all around.

During the encore both groups (assisted by some on-stage pantomime from audience members) combined to give a rendition of "Immigrant Song". It was truly something to see!

Now playing: Two Ton Boa - Cyanide
via FoxyTunes

The Call...

...of Duty!

Ever been sucked into a video game?

It has happened to me, I have become obsessed with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I play it every chance I get, I have begun resenting any activities witch curtail my access to playing this game. I play it for several hours after work until I am forced to go to sleep, then I wake up and play for an hour or so before work... It has become ridiculous!

So I've consciously decided to take a break from it. This break has afforded me some time to play a Role Playing Game with a friend of mine and even to go to a concert (which I usually never do). I still enjoy the game and will probably still play it a great deal, but I am making room for other pursuits in my life. the internet (and blog entries).

Now playing: Joe Walsh - Take a Look Around
via FoxyTunes