Thursday, August 16, 2007

Theresa Duncan

I never met Theresa Duncan.

My entire personal contact with her was a single comment on her blog, to the effect that I liked her writing. And, of course, regularly reading that blog.

I still find myself emotionally impacted by news of her death. Especially learning that it was apparently a suicide, followed closely by the suicide of her longtime boyfriend.

I wish I had answers to all the regular questions suicide raises, but I am resigned to never learning them.

I do not know why I am personally affected by this, other authors I liked to read have died in the past. Artists of all sorts have committed suicide. But the fact remains that I have been on the verge of tears over this news, and I have no adequate explanation for it.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

What's the deal with hot water?

Everybody loves a nice glass of ice water. But I have never encountered a person who likes hot (or even warm) water.

Why does hot water taste bad? Is the taste actually different? (supposedly water has no taste) We drink it hot if it's flavored... Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, whatever...

But even in the winter cold, I wouldn't think of drinking a mug of plain hot water.

Is there a reason for this? I don't know.

Even tepid water is no good, unless you are really really hot... Maybe the water just needs to be significantly cooler than your current core temperature?

Aren't we supposed to be warm blooded creatures? Regulating our own body temperature tells me that we should have a preference for things that are our same temperature (to save on energy from fluctuations caused by significantly cooler or hotter foodstuffs)

And furthermore, why do I care about this stuff?

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