Saturday, October 21, 2006

Communications Officer I

I must first appologize for the extreme tardiness of this entry. As regular readers will remember I was applying for the position of Communications Officer I here in Virginia Beach. (re: Please sir. I want a job...) Well I finally got the job!! (yay me.) It has been quite a grueling training regimen, and it's only about half over... Then I get to go for supervized On-The-Job training. If I continue to do well, I will eventually be released as a 911 call taker.

I will be the voice on the other end of the line when citizens of our fair city are having the worst day of their lives, and cry out for succor. Hopefully I will be able to get them the help they need so that it isn't the last day of someones life...

As a result of all this training (which is stressful in itself) and the more normally stressful parts of my life I have sadly neglected my duties as a member of the blogosphere, again I submit my humblest appologies... ;)

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