Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Four - Oh!

Having recently had a birthday, I am now apparently old. Everyone is making fun of me (including me). They ask me how it feels to be old. I must say, I don’t know. I am usually only distantly aware of my age. In years past I have had to actually calculate my age as I had forgotten just how old I was. It just wasn’t something I often thought about.

This is the age that everyone seems to agree upon as being too old. For what, I don’t know. It seems expected that people lie about being forty. This is a concept which I cannot fathom. If you look younger than your age and you lie about it people will just think “oh, well there you go.” whereas if you tell your true age they will think “wow, you look good!” If you look your age (or, heaven forbid, older) and you lie people will think “my god, what a vain little idiot thinking we wouldn’t know.” but if you don’t lie people will think “oh, well there you go.” I just don’t see the up side of lying about your age. If you and the people you’re lying too care only about appearances you would be better by comparison if you look younger than your age, and no worse off if you look your age. If you don’t care about appearances (or if that is not all you care about) who cares how long you’ve been wandering around?

And another thing, why are so many people obsessed with birthday celebrations? Like it’s some big hallmark and there should always be a marking of the day. I like eating cake and getting presents as much as the next guy, but it’s not going to ruin my life if we just move on…

(Christmas is different; everyone should get presents on Christmas…)

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