Saturday, May 13, 2006

I am the LAW!!

...and as Shakespeare tells us; the law is an ass.

Last night I stayed up late (until about 11:00am) and therefore was asleep this afternoon when my friends called to see if we were going to game today. Because I was tired (read: sleeping) at the time and in kind of a funk over some recent issues with the game, (I seem to be running a different kind of game than my players want to play...) I wussed out and canceled the game.

I am a jerk.

I don't want to scrap this game as I have so many in the past, but I fear that we are not enjoying it as much as we should. And that is the reason we play these games in the first place; to have fun!

I am currently doing some soul searching about the direction I should be trying for and hopefully I can get myself back on track...

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