Thursday, September 15, 2005


I am tired, tired, tired...

I have been going to school, putting in hours at my internship, and going to work for a couple of weeks now... My short days are 10 hours long!

Soon I shall graduate and then my world shall change...
Most people I know rejoice at graduation time, not me!
I will lose my job at the school library (it is a student worker position) and I have no prospects for a 'real' job... certainly not one in my field.

On a more positive note, My father has returned to us from the hospital in Richmond! We are all overjoyed, and he seems to be doing very well.

I have been able to see some movies recently (weekends are great for slack)
I saw "Pink Floyd's the Wall" and "Heavy Metal" (the original (ie good) one).

Extra points for the title of my Blog... ;)

On the roleplaying front we are just about to start a new D&D game using the "Eberron" setting. It looks like it will be fun! And Richard (who will be running the game) is very, very enthused!
I also just got the new "Mage" game from White Wolf, but I haven't had time to read it yet so it will be a while before we try to play it.

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