Monday, July 18, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Quite a lot has been happening in my little corner of the Universe...
I have recieved the score from the NYPD entrance exam I took several months ago, got a 92.9! I took it primarily because I can now put that on my resume, and they came here and offered it for free; who, in criminal justice, wouldn't take it?

My sister just made Captain in the Fire Department here! We're all very proud of her.

My father is still in Richmond for his bone marrow transplant. The transplant itself won't take more than a week or so, but the recovery can take up to a year! The first month is inpatient, then a month at a half-way house, then he can finally come home. His immune system won't be normal for quite a while but if all goes well he should be Cancer free for up to five years. (fingers-crossed)

In more fancifull news: we are breaking in a new Champions GM and all seems to be going swimmingly. He has fallen into the first time GM trap of overpowering his villans, but after two game sessions we are all having a ball and life is good.

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