Monday, April 8, 2013

Let's do another movie review

Additional to the stuff in that other post I saw 'G.I. Joe: Retaliation' today.

The greatest (but still very slight) praise that I can give this film is: It's better than the first one.

They really needed a writer on this thing. At least there was a plot, I saw it distinctly; lurking in the background of several of the scenes... And the actors delivered the dialog with a serious demeanor no matter how rediculous it got.

They thankfully dropped what I think they considered the 'humanizing' comic relief characters from the first film. But why couldn't they get any other people to return for this? (where's Scarlett, much less The Baroness?)

Johnathan Pryce seemed to enjoy himself chewing up some scenery. It's fun watching a bad guy enjoy his work.

And Cobra Commander at least wore a cool jacket. (and a neat helmet/mask)

But still, way too many plot holes to call it a good, or even fun, movie.

But it was still better than 'Prometheus' (I'm not bitter)

Nothing to see here...

Not much going on in my life right now.

I'm still living off taxpayer money... (no job in sight)

My father did get me a spiffy new smartphone though! (my first one)

I'm trying to get a new RPG started. (Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, it's fun!)

The latest season of 'The Walking Dead' ended. (But 'Game of Thrones' new season started.) :)

Anyway, I'll try to keep a more regular cycle of updates... (yeah, right)