Sunday, October 5, 2008

Buyers Remorse

Buyers Remorse is that feeling that you may have made a mistake by purchasing that last useless widget that you simply 'had' to get when you were at the mall...

I hate this. PLEASE! if you bought an item and you realize that you may not truly need that thing or whatever, own your mistake. Deal with it, learn from it, and move on with your life. DO NOT RETURN IT! As a sales associate I can attest to the cold feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see a customer approaching your store with your logo on their bag.

"I'd like to return this item."
"What seems to be wrong with it?"
"I just don't like it..."
[AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!] (this is me screaming inside my skull)
"... but, it's a radio. it tunes in radio stations, surely you knew this when you bought it..." [begins weeping inside]

I don't mean to say never return an item to a store. If the item does not work properly or isn't what you intended to buy; make that return! or better yet exchange it for what you do need. But I hate when someones reason for driving out to my store and bringing back a perfectly good device is that they didn't think their actions through or just can't be bothered to learn how the damn thing works.

And why does everyone think Sunday is a good day to return stuff?

Now playing: Robert Johnson - Milkcow's Calf Blues [Alternate Take]
via FoxyTunes