Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What did I teach you?

On August 10, 2008 Isaac Hayes died. He was 65.

Lets forget that he was a crackpot Scientologist who quit South Park because they made fun of his (non) religion.

Lets forget all the years of enjoyment he gave us as 'Chef' on that same show (Chocolate Salty Balls anyone?)

Lets forget all the great music he produced in the years before that. (Just talkin' bout Shaft!)

Lets remember him for what he taught us -

He was the Duke of New York; He was A number 1!!

Now playing: Isaac Hayes - Theme from Shaft [Vocal Version]
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I like Mona Sax

Now playing: Aretha Franklin - A Natural Woman
via FoxyTunes

Put Out My Flames With Gasoline...

As some may know the incredible video game Max Payne is being made into a movie. It comes out in October and I am very much looking forward to it. I was happy when I heard that Hitman was being made into a movie, but as you know if you've seen that one, the Hitman story is hard to film. Max Payne is a great story as well as a great video game, and therefore should make the transition much better.

Looking at the trailer, I am somewhat concerned to see the overt mystical elements played up so much. In the original game, and its sequel, these things are part of the story but are not overtly or objectively 'true' the story is very grounded in 'reality'. Granted it is a reality were the protagonist can use 'bullet time' and recover from being shot with simple pain killers. But there are no angels literally following him around either...

I have heard some express concern over Max being played by Marky Mark, but I think he is going to fit pretty well. I liked him in 'The Departed' and his face looks to be a pretty good match for Max from the game.

All in all I think I will enjoy this film and wait with much anticipation for October 17th.

Now playing: Peter Hajba - Max Payne Theme
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Who Watches...

Your result for The Watchmen Personality Type Test


You scored 86% Moral Imperatives and 65% Attitude!

You are outwardly altruistic yet neurotically obsessed. Whether through a priveldged background or being just plain naieve, you try to act as a morally conscious individual while never fully attempting to understand the harsher sides of reality, torn between contemplating your own identity and being a good person. Though compassionate and honorable, you suffer from an incomplete personality and your unresolved neurosis border on the egomanical leaving you in the dark.

Take the test yourself!

Now playing: Motorhead - Dance
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Triumph the Insult Comic Dog was at Comic Con. I don't know if I would let him give me a wedgie...

The keynote address given by the Insult Comic Dog.

Now playing: Guns N' Roses - Sympathy For The Devil
via FoxyTunes