Wednesday, October 17, 2007


According to the NerdTests website I'm going to live for a long while yet...

I am going to die at 83.  When are you? Click here to find out!

And I'm something of a nerd... says I'm a Kinda Dorky Nerd King.  What are you?  Click here!

New Post

Sorry, it's been two months since my last post.

I have no real reason for this, time just been getting away from me.
On the assumption that anyone is still reading this (if, indeed, anyone ever really was), I will try to bring you up to date.

I have a new job! I am a Radioshack Sales Associate. It sucks, but no more than any other retail job. And I get to watch TV when it gets slow. I just hate having to push the damn cellphones so much.

My friends and I haven't been doing any Role-playing games lately, you gotta budget time for those and we just can't seem to get together regularly. We have been substituting online sessions of HALO 3 late at night. (it's not the same.)

Sadly there is nothing else of note just now; I go to work, play video games, spend too much money on semi-frivolous things, eat, sleep... and wait for death.

(that sounds more morbid that I meant it to.)

Now playing: Akira Ifukube - Godzilla's Rampage [From Godzilla 1954]
via FoxyTunes