Saturday, January 27, 2007


Sad news people. This past Monday the stress just got to be too much for me. I resigned my position as a 911 operator. I just couldn't handle the stress of all my decisions being potentially life or death...

I really don't have a lot more to say about that, just a lesson: when stress is affecting your health it's time to get out.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Holiday Depression...

... No,no,no! Not mine. Yours. You must have been depressed (both of you) due to the great amount of time that has passed since my last entry.

Anyway, the Holidays were great to me! I graduated from the Academy at work and am now taking calls from real live people in distress (and others...)! I am still under supervision but I think I am doing well, and as soon as I quit over thinking everything and just do the job, I'll be released to take calls on my own.

Christmas itself wasn't too shabby either. I got 'World War Z' from Keith, and read it pretty much straight through. Great book, if you haven't read it go and do so... I'll wait...

Back? Wasn't that GOOD!? I loved it! I also got a $50 gift certificate backed by the Federal Government from my Dad! you know the kind with the picture of Grant on it? (i.e. CASH, it's everywhere you want to be...) Got quite a lot of mileage out of it too... went to the movies, bought some DVD's, CD's you know...

Speaking of movies: I saw 'Apocalypto', 'Blood Diamond', and 'The Good Shepherd' All highly recommended!! I used to not like Leonardo DiCaprio, but he is really turning into an actor...

Well that's all I have for you this time. Tune in soon for updates...

(no really, soon... trust me.) ;)